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Search Engine Saturation July 9, 2008

Posted by seonlinks in seo learn.
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Search Engine Saturation simply refers to the number of pages a given search engine has in its index for your website domain. Not all search engines report this information but enough of them do to create some meaningful benchmarks for your search engine marketing campaigns.

Here are some ideas for useful data you can gather using the Search Engine Saturation tool:

  1. Total number of pages in each search engines index for your website. How many pages are there total for your website? How many domains exist for your websites? Once you run your search engine saturation report, you can compare the numbers a percentage of your sites availability to the search engines.

  1. Which pages of your site are showing up in the search engines? Are there sections of your site that aren’t showing up? Once you know what the search engines see, you will know the pages that need action to get them included.

  1. How are your competitors performing in search engines? If they are have high search engine saturation numbers, you can look at their sites and analyze what they are doing right.